Military trucks cross the first American Bailey bridge across the Rhine River in ...HD Stock Footage CriticalPast 1:11 10 years ago 18 990 Далее Скачать
Bailey Bridge in Burma in World War Two. Film 90518 HuntleyFilmArchives 0:13 11 years ago 217 Далее Скачать
Building a Bailey Bridge on Okinawa | WWII Color film (1945) | Combat Camera Documentary TV 9:46 9 days ago 5 Далее Скачать
Seabees push Bailey Bridge across a stream and work on it in the Pacific theater ...HD Stock Footage CriticalPast 1:50 10 years ago 2 380 Далее Скачать
Seabees construct Bailey bridge and lay planking on deck of it in the Pacific The...HD Stock Footage CriticalPast 1:51 10 years ago 303 Далее Скачать
US officers watching as the tanks and half tracks drives across the Bailey bridge...HD Stock Footage CriticalPast 1:12 10 years ago 100 Далее Скачать